Early Childhood Intervention
Intervention From Birth To 36 Months.
Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) helps babies and toddlers, ages birth to 36 months, with disabilities or delays in their development. ECI supports families through education and family services to help their children reach their potential.
Families and staff work as a team to develop a plan outlining services for the child and family. Most services are provided in the home or community to help children learn the basic skills that are a part of their family’s daily routines. Services are provided in the home and community settings and help children learn basic skills as part of their family’s daily routines.
This is Typical Development
I'm 3 Months Old! I...
- turn toward bright colors and lights
- follow moving toys or faces with my eyes
- recognize or know the bottle or breast
- respond to loud or new sounds
- reach for and grasp toys or hair
- wiggle and kick with legs and arms
- lift head and shoulders up while on stomach
- smile back at parents or other family members
- make sounds, like gurgling, cooing or babbling
I'm 6 Months Old! I...
- turn toward voices
- reach for toys and pick them up
- roll over front-to-back and back-to-front
- play with toes
- help hold bottle during feedings, if bottle fed
- know faces of family
- babble, squeal, and repeat vowel sounds, like ooh, -ae, -e
- sit by leaning on hand
I'm 9 Months Old! I...
- copy sounds or gestures
- reach for crumbs or other small things with my thumb and fingers
- move toys from one hand to the other
- straighten my arms to support myself when on my stomach
- understand the word "no"
I'm 12 Months Old! I...
- respond to my name
- may be scared of strangers
- look for an object if you hide it from me, even if I can't see it
- crawl on my hands and knees
- pull myself to a standing position
- walk by holding onto furniture
- can drink from a cup with your help
- enjoy playing games, like peek-a-boo or patty cake
- say 1-2 words
I'm 15 Months Old! I...
- use gestures
- like to look at pictures in a book
- can hold a crayon in a fist hand
- can point to pictures you name, if the things in the picture are familiar to me
- walk alone without help
I'm 18 Months Old! I...
- like to pull and push things
- follow simple directions
- pull off shoes and socks
- feed myself sometimes
- step off low objects and keep my balance
- turn 2-3 pages of a book at a time
- can point to one body part
- can name one object
- like to copy your words or actions
I'm 21 Months Old! I...
- can name two objects
- like to pretend-play
- can put together a simple picture puzzle if it has only 2-3 large pieces
- like to throw balls
- like to play alone with toys for a short time
- say "No" a lot
I'm 24 Months Old! I...
- use 2-3 words together, like "No, Mommy" or "More cookies"
- say names of toys and people
- feed myself with a spoon
- turn one page at a time
- point to hair, eyes and nose
- when someone asks me
- show affection to family members and pets
- run short distances without falling
I'm 36 Months Old! I...
- answer simple questions
- walk up steps, alternating feet
- put my clothes on by myself
- open simple containers
- like to play with other children
- repeat simple rhymes and songs
- use 3-5 word sentences
- name at least one color correctly
- jump in place
- express my emotions
Children with developmental disabilities can get services with Texas Early Childhood Intervention (ECI). ECI helps parents build an individualized service plan so their children can gain skills and meet their goals.
Parents of children enrolled in Early Childhood Intervention should know their rights in order to protect their child and family. These rights are listed in the parent handbook and are explained with examples in this video.
Local Resources
For State and National Resources visit:

Children's Center - ECI
Serving Hunt, Hopkins, Lamar, and Delta Counties
4804 Wesley Street
Greenville, Texas 75401
(903) 454-0300 Ext 1600
Monday – Friday 8 am-5 pm
Contact: Angela Spradlin
Fax: 903-454-8635
TDD: 800-735-2989

Submit a Referral for Services
Please click the button below to complete our online form for referral submissions. Thank you!
To learn more about ECI, view the ECI videos at https://hhs.texas.gov/services/disability/early-childhood-intervention-services/eci-outreach-materials
Greenville Early Childhood Intervention
4804 Wesley Street, 2nd Floor
Greenville, TX 75402
903-454-0300 Extension 1600
Sulphur Springs Early Childhood Intervention Office
521 Main St. Suite 103
Sulphur Springs, TX 75482