Sulphur Springs Early Childhood Intervention Office

521 Main St. Suite 103 Sulphur Springs, TX 75482
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Contact Info
Services Offered
Counties Served

Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) helps babies and toddlers, ages birth to 36 months, with disabilities or delays in their development. ECI supports families through education and family services to help their children reach their potential. Families and staff work as a team to develop a plan outlining services for the child and family. Most services are provided in the home or community to help children learn the basic skills that are a part of their family’s daily routines. Services are provided in the home and community settings and help children learn basic skills as part of their family’s daily routines.

Lakes Regional Community Center

Mental Health Services

We work with the following contractors:

Mental Health TX

Information, resources and direction for Texas residents who may have mental health needs or want to support someone who does.​

IDDA Services

We work with the following contractors:

Other Services

Texas Veterans Portal

Lakes Regional Community Center is proud to support Veterans. Visit the Texas Veterans Portal for services and benefits available.